A software developer is the technical and creative mind behind computer, server and mobile programs. They design, build and maintain software that is used to run a variety of devices and networks. A degree in Computer Science is often required, along with strong analytical, communication and problem solving skills. A software developer should have working knowledge of industry trends and be up-to-date on the various programming languages available.
Graphic design is the process of creating the appearance of a publication, presentation, or web site in an attractive, logical manner. When done successfully, it attracts attention, adds value to a message, enhances readership and readability, simplifies, organizes, provides selective emphasis, and creates unity.
Steps in the Graphic Design Process:
Analyze the audience.
Determine the purpose of your message.
Decide where and how your message will appear (whether it will be a printed publication, presentation, or web site).
Establish goals
Organize text and graphics.
Choose an appropriate format and layout.
Select appropriate typefaces, type sizes, type styles, and spacing.
Add and manipulate graphics.
Organize text and graphics.
Refine and fine-tune.
Creating Effective Layouts
A layout is the arrangement of type and graphics on a printed publication, presentation, or web site. A good layout should serve the purpose intended by the designer, organize the information and graphics in order to create a visual path for readers to follow, and attract the attention of readers. There's no one right way to create a good layout.
General Guidelines for Layouts:
Determine the purpose of your publication, presentation, or web site before you begin your layout.
Establish the primary message you want to present and plan your layout around it.
Choose an appropriate type of media (web page, presentation, printed book, newsletter, or brochure, etc.) and a size.
Identify the target audience, then write and design the publication, presentation, or web site keeping this audience in mind.
Consider their interests, reading levels, background, etc.
The Elements of Design
When creating a new layout, you should begin with the basic elements of design: line, shape, texture, space, size, value, and color. These basic elements can produce many different layouts depending on how they're used.
Line : Line is any mark connecting two points. Many different types of lines appear everywhere. Look around you and you'll see lines that are straight, curved, squiggly, thin, fat, and dotted.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages.
HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was published in late 1999. Though HTML 4.01 version is widely used but currently we are having HTML-5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012. For most of the examples given in this tutorial you will find Try it option available, so just make use of it to see the output of your code and enjoy your learning.
What is HTML5?
The first web browser, Mosaic, was introduced in 1993. A year later Netscape, based on Mosaic, was introduced and the net began to become popular. HTML was used in both browsers, but there was no "standard" HTML until the introduction of HTML 2.0. HTML 2.0 was first published in 1995.* HTML 3.0 was published two years later and 4.01 two years after that. HTML 4.01 has been the work horse of the net ever since.
The first "working draft" of HTML5 came out in January of 2008 and it already has surprisingly broad browser support. However HTML5 is not yet fully implemented and won't be for some years yet. There are any number of planning committees that have plans to make it a "Recommendation", but such plans are still in the planning phase – and don't plan on that changing anytime soon.
Two groups, the W3C and the WHATWG, are in charge of developing HTML5. Why two groups? "The WHATWG was formed in response to the slow development of web standards monitored by the W3C. They say they have since kissed and made up. Both groups agree that it's going to take years to fully implement HTML5, though it will be in wide use long before then – assuming that, like eColi, they don't divide and multiply again.
The doctype declaration
On a PC in Chrome or FireFox right click anywhere on the page (except the ads) and select "View page source", or even easier just click "Ctrl-U". In IE "Ctrl-U" doesn't work; you have to right click the page and select "View Source". Select it all, copy it and paste it into Notepad or some text editor. If you have any problems or are in a different browser search "source code" in help.
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CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is the primary language used to describe look and formatting for webpages across the Internet and documents of markup (e.g. HTML and XML) in general. If you want to work with designing your own webpages, you need to be able to understand and write CSS. Lucky for you, you've come to the right place, because in this tutorial, you will be able to learn pretty much anything there is to know about CSS, from the most basic stuff about syntax and simple properties, to more advanced examples.
What is CSS?
CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets and is the primary language used to describe look and formatting for webpages across the Internet and documents of markup (e.g. HTML and XML) in general.
A markup language like HTML was initially designed to provide information about formatting and looks itself, but it soon became clear that it would make much more sense to split this into two layers: Document Content and Document Presentation, with CSS fulfilling the task of the latter. Historically that is why HTML has tags like font, which sole purpose is to adjust font family, color and size locally, a job that is today handled by CSS. This allows the developer to re-use formatting rules across several places in the same document and even across multiple documents. Here's an example to prove my point, and don't worry if it's not entirely clear to you what it does.
The Anatomy of a CSS Rule
So, in the previous chapter, we used the classic "Hello, world!" example to get a glimpse of just how easy it is to style an HTML element with CSS. But why did it look the way it did? In this chapter, we'll focus on the anatomy and syntax of CSS, to get a deeper understanding of how it works. Let's have a look at the previously mentioned example again, where we had a CSS rule which targeted H1 elements:
How CSS works
CSS is interpreted by the browser (the application used to view the webpage, e.g. Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) and then used to decide how the webpage should look. This also means that while there is a very thorough specification of the CSS language, the many browsers across all of the possible devices (desktop computers, tablets, mobile phones etc.) interprets your CSS code in its own way. This means that even though most of your work will likely look and act the way you expect it to, there might be subtle differences if you view your work in some of the many browsers on the market.
Since CSS is just a specification and not a law, browser vendors are free to add their own CSS properties, allowing you to perform more advanced things, but only in that particular browser. This is frequently used by the various vendors to try to persuade W3 (the organization in charge of many Internet related specifications, including HTML and CSS) into adding functionality to the next version of the CSS specification.
Historically, the problem with rendering differences across browsers have been a larger problem than it currently is. Especially Microsoft has had problems following the specification with their Internet Explorer, with version 6 being the worst example of this - competing browsers were following the specification way better, but because of market shares, developers had to implement several nasty workarounds to fully support IE6 and its many quirks. Fortunately for developers all over the world, Microsoft has done a lot to remedy these problems in later versions of Internet Explorer.
However, you will still run into differences in rendering, especially when you test across different browsers on different devices and operating systems. Your webpage might not look entirely the same in Internet Explorer as it does in Chrome, and there might even be differences when looking at it in Chrome on a PC with Linux, OSX or Linux. For that reason, always test your webpage in as many browsers as possible and make sure that your CSS validates (more on that later).
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Apache Ant is a Java based build tool from Apache Software Foundation. Apache Ant's build files are written in XML and they take advantage of being open standard, portable and easy to understand. ANT stands for Another Neat Tool. It is a Java-based build tool from Apache. Before going into the details of Apache Ant, let us first understand why we need a build tool in the first place.
Need for a Build Tool
On an average, a developer spends a substantial amount of time doing mundane tasks like build and deployment that include:
Compiling the code
Packaging the binaries
Deploying the binaries to the test server
Testing the changes
Copying the code from one location to another
To automate and simplify the above tasks, Apache Ant is useful. It is an Operating System build and deployment tool that can be executed from the command line.
History of Apache Ant
Ant was created by James Duncan Davidson (the original author of Tomcat).
It was originally used to build Tomcat, and was bundled as a part of Tomcat distribution.
Ant was born out of the problems and complexities associated with the Apache Make tool.
Ant was promoted as an independent project in Apache in the year 2000. The latest version of Apache Ant as on May 2014 is 1.9.4.
Features of Apache Ant
Ant is the most complete Java build and deployment tool available.
Ant is platform neutral and can handle platform specific properties such as file separators.
Ant can be used to perform platform specific tasks such as modifying the modified time of a file using 'touch' command.
Ant scripts are written using plain XML. If you are already familiar with XML, you can learn Ant pretty quickly.
Ant is good at automating complicated repetitive tasks.
Ant comes with a big list of predefined tasks.
Ant provides an interface to develop custom tasks.
Ant can be easily invoked from the command line and it can integrate with free and commercial IDEs.
Apache Ant Ant is distributed under the Apache Software License, a fully-fledged open source license certified by the open source initiative. The latest Apache Ant version, including its full-source code, class files, and documentation can be found at http://ant.apache.org.
Installing Apache Ant
It is assumed that you have already downloaded and installed Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer. If not, please follow the instructions
Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the folder where your JDK is installed.
Download the binaries from http://ant.apache.org
Unzip the zip file to a convenient location c:\folder. using Winzip, winRAR, 7-zip or similar tools.
Create a new environment variable called ANT_HOME that points to the Ant installation folder, in this case c:\apache-ant-1.8.2-bin folder.
Append the path to the Apache Ant batch file to the PATH environment variable. In our case this would be the c:\apache-ant-1.8.2-bin\bin folder.
Verifying Apache Ant Installation
To verify the successful installation of Apache Ant on your computer, type ant on your command prompt.
You should see an output similar to:
C:\>ant -version Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 20 2010
If you do not see the above output, then please verify that you have followed the installation steps properly.
Installing Eclipse
Ant with Eclipse IDE. Hence, if you have not installed Eclipse already, please download and install Eclipse
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JAVA provides a rich set of libraries to create Graphical User Interface in platform independent way. In this article we'll look in AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit).
Graphical User Interface
Graphical User Interface (GUI) offers user interaction via some graphical components. For example our underlying Operating System also offers GUI via window,frame,Panel, Button, Textfield, TextArea, Listbox, Combobox, Label, Checkbox etc. These all are known as components. Using these components we can create an interactive user interface for an application.
GUI provides result to end user in response to raised events.GUI is entirely based events. For example clicking over a button, closing a window, opening a window, typing something in a textarea etc. These activities are known as events.GUI makes it easier for the end user to use an application. It also makes them interesting.
Examples of GUI based Applications
Following are some of the examples for GUI based applications.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Airline Ticketing System
Information Kiosks at railway stations
Mobile Applications
Navigation Systems
Advantages of GUI over CUI
GUI provides graphical icons to interact while the CUI (Character User Interface) offers the simple text-based interfaces.
GUI makes the application more entertaining and interesting on the other hand CUI does not.
GUI offers click and execute environment while in CUI every time we have to enter the command for a task.
New user can easily interact with graphical user interface by the visual indicators but it is difficult in Character user interface.
GUI offers a lot of controls of file system and the operating system while in CUI you have to use commands which is difficult to remember.
Windows concept in GUI allow the user to view, manipulate and control the multiple applications at once while in CUI user can control one task at a time.
GUI provides multitasking environment so as the CUI also does but CUI does not provide same ease as the GUI do.
Using GUI it is easier to control and navigate the operating system which becomes very slow in command user interface. GUI can be easily customized.
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Assembly language is a low-level programming language for a computer or other programmable device specific to a particular computer architecture in contrast to most high-level programming languages, which are generally portable across multiple systems. Assembly language is converted into executable machine code by a utility program referred to as an assembler like NASM, MASM, etc.
What is Assembly Language?
Each personal computer has a microprocessor that manages the computer's arithmetical, logical, and control activities.
Each family of processors has its own set of instructions for handling various operations such as getting input from keyboard, displaying information on screen and performing various other jobs. These set of instructions are called 'machine language instructions'.
A processor understands only machine language instructions, which are strings of 1's and 0's. However, machine language is too obscure and complex for using in software development. So, the low-level assembly language is designed for a specific family of processors that represents various instructions in symbolic code and a more understandable form.
Advantages of Assembly Language
Having an understanding of assembly language makes one aware of −
How programs interface with OS, processor, and BIOS;
How data is represented in memory and other external devices;
How the processor accesses and executes instruction;
How instructions access and process data;
How a program accesses external devices.
Other advantages of using assembly language are −
It requires less memory and execution time;
It allows hardware-specific complex jobs in an easier way;
It is suitable for time-critical jobs;
It is most suitable for writing interrupt service routines and other memory resident programs.
Basic Features of PC Hardware
The main internal hardware of a PC consists of processor, memory, and registers. Registers are processor components that hold data and address. To execute a program, the system copies it from the external device into the internal memory. The processor executes the program instructions.
The fundamental unit of computer storage is a bit; it could be ON (1) or OFF (0). A group of nine related bits makes a byte, out of which eight bits are used for data and the last one is used for parity. According to the rule of parity, the number of bits that are ON (1) in each byte should always be odd.
So, the parity bit is used to make the number of bits in a byte odd. If the parity is even, the system assumes that there had been a parity error (though rare), which might have been caused due to hardware fault or electrical disturbance.
The processor supports the following data sizes −
Word: a 2-byte data item
Doubleword: a 4-byte (32 bit) data item
Quadword: an 8-byte (64 bit) data item
Paragraph: a 16-byte (128 bit) area
Kilobyte: 1024 bytes
Megabyte: 1,048,576 bytes
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